Payroll and Contributions Support
💰 This section provides guidance on managing payroll processes and reporting contributions in the Common Wealth Plan. It covers setup, troubleshooting, and best practices, ensuring smooth and accurate contributions reporting.
- Do I Need to Include a Pay Period?
- How to Submit Multiple Pay Periods
- How can an employee adjust their contributions?
- Your payroll implementation checklist
- Can I upload multiple pay periods in the same file?
- What happens if I miss a payroll or forget to upload my register?
- How to make catch-up payment or retroactive adjustments
- Avoiding CRA Penalties
- Setting up contributions and deductions with your payroll provider
- When to include contributions when applying payroll deductions
- How do we update our payroll with employee contribution choices?
- How often do we need to send our payroll register file?
- What do we do if an employee’s information changes?
- Other Payroll: Adding employees to your plan
- HUMI: Adding employees to your plan
- QuickBooks: Adding employees to your plan
- HUMI: Setting up contributions
- Other Payroll: Setting up contributions
- HUMI: Uploading your payroll register
- Other Payroll: Uploading your payroll register
- Errors and warnings during payroll register uploads