We know your time is valuable, and you want to minimize administrative tasks. Our digital platform simplifies both the setup and ongoing management of your group retirement plan, making it nearly effortless. The plan can be set up in just a few days, but to ensure a smooth process, we recommend aligning employee enrollment with your regular payroll cycle, making it a 4-6 week journey from start to full implementation. During the onboarding, there will be a few key touchpoints to ensure the process runs smoothly.
Kickoff call
The first step is the kickoff call, where you'll meet your implementation team. They will confirm plan details, establish an implementation timeline, and discuss next steps and key milestones. During this call, you'll learn about the critical components for a successful onboarding, including:
- Your setup tasks
- Employee education and enrollment
- Payroll configuration and contributions
Education session
The education session is designed to energize your team about the Common Wealth Plan. We host an online session, sending email invites to your employees, where they can learn about the plan’s benefits and features and ask questions. Just before the session, employees are invited to enroll, ensuring they can start benefiting from the plan right away.
Payroll configuration
Once your employees are invited to join the Common Wealth Plan, you’ll receive a link to set up your Employer Dashboard account. This dashboard simplifies plan management, allowing you to handle all administrative tasks with ease. Along with the account setup, you’ll receive the Employer Dashboard Quickstart Guide, which walks you through using the dashboard and provides a tutorial on how to manage your plan effectively.